Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ontario City Council Gives the Go Sign


The Ontario City Council hadn't released last night's meeting minutes the last I checked, but my good buddy Andrea Bennett has reported on what happened regarding the Walnut and Walker sign issue.

In a 4 to 1 decision, the City Council decided to put a stop sign at the intersection, overriding staff who had said that the decision was not justified.

The only dissenter was Jason Anderson, who said after the meeting, "Staff said it was not justified. I've seen a lot of pedestrian losses in my line of work. All those people didn't get stop signs." (By day, Anderson is a Deputy District Attorney with San Bernardino County.)

Mayor Paul Leon sided with the majority, noting, "More than half the accidents at the intersection were broadside collisions, which can be controlled by an all-way stop. With the growth of south Ontario, the need is coming to that end of the city... Do we have to wait any longer?"